Sunday, October 23, 2016

My Top 20 Favorite Monster Movies (part 2)

Art by me -
Well last time we talked about smog monsters, STDs, and parasites and this time we're talking about more of my favorite creepy critters!

Links to videos in the image captions.

Tokyo Gore Police
While my tastes in raunchy, Japanese gore-fest is limited in all honesty when it comes to films; I like anime and manga like that just fine, but somehow when it's in film it makes me pretty queasy. However, Tokyo Gore Police is a very, very big exception (not to say this movie isn't extremely nauseating at times). 

The idea of a disease that causes people's wounds to grow weapons and some pretty unexplainable mutations is just such a great concept to me. I guarantee that if when I cut my hand off it would turn into a crab-claw/eel mouth hybrid, I would chop it RIGHT NOW! 

Just to let you know, this movie is NOT for everyone's tastes. These are some of the most disgusting visuals I've ever seen. I've yet to see a movie with anything worse than that damn, chair.  

Ghoulies is a movie that is very close to my heart. I watched the second Ghoulies when I was around 7-8 with my dad on cable and it had an extremely lasting effect on me; not only horrifying me, but it also left serious mark on my taste in horror and fiction in general. Ghoulies is the entire reason I love the whole "small monster" thing and absurd horror stories. 

If you at all like Horror Comedy, B Movies, So Bad It's Good, or 80's Horror, this movie is the holy grail of your life. The movie isn't really sold as a Horror Comedy, but it does come across as one.The pure schlockiness though is really part of the charm and what makes it great. 

Odd Thomas
People seeing ghosts to solve mysteries is nothing new by any means. Neither are ghosts that help solve mysteries. Odd Thomas, however, is by far the best supernatural mystery I've ever seen. It's also full of great acting which is something missing from MOST of the movies on this list. 

The Creature from the Black Lagoon
Before you read this paragraph, watch that video. Doesn't that gorgeous critter just look alive? Honestly, I would choose these special effects over any CGI dinosaur or Satan any day. You really get something a lot more from a person inside of a creature-suit, it just feel so much alive; probably because it is. 

There's also something to be said about the movie itself; it's sheer quality is outstanding for the time it was made (1954); the story is well crafted and seems believable enough, the filming and direction is great, the writing is great, and the acting is very good and natural. It's honestly hard to believe this movie was made in the time it was, with all the schlock and cheese that was pushed out of the media in fear of nuclear radiation and space aliens; don't get me wrong, I love those movies, but they really do get kind of old.

Godzilla vs Megaguirus
This is the first Godzilla movie I ever saw, but I love it for so many more reasons than that. This movie really stand out from the other Godzilla movies (a lot like Godzilla vs Hedorah) story and tone-wise. There's times when this movie seems like it wants to be a horror movie and even references the movie Alien; which a lot of the movie seems like it's a homage to).

Also, I think Megaguirus is one of my favorite monsters shown in the Godzilla Franchise so far. Her design reminds me of Battra a lot (another favorite) and she's one of the very few Dragon-fly kaiju I think of. Plus she queen of the Meganula, a monster previously from the film Rodan!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

My Top 20 Favorite Monster Movies (part 1)

How it feels to chew 5 Gum

I have really neglected this blog for a very long time. And I'm really working on getting back to writing on it again more. Things like school and just life in general have made it very hard to do or have the time for. So what a better way to get back into the swing of things than talking about my one of my biggest passions in life: MOVIES!!!

I'm a pretty big movie junkie, always have been, always will be. The only thing I love more than a movie is a horror movie, and the only thing I love more than a horror movie is a monster movie! I gobble up up monster movies like school girls gobble up tentacles (I'm sorry). I've been hooked on monsters for as long as I can possibly remember and think I'll always have that slobbering, snaggle toothed, skinless monkey on my back.

So I thought that going over my top 20 favorite monsters movies would a good way to get back into blogging again.

Godzilla vs the Smog Monster

A.K.A. Godzilla vs Hedorah; this is just one of those Godzilla movies. It's kinda of a love it or hate it Godzilla movie, but I think anyone who's a fan of surreal and bizarre films would enjoy it. It has an early late 60's/early 70 psychedelic vibe to parts of it), cheesy children's Godzilla vibes, straight up David Lynch-like vibes that bring to mind things like Twin Peaks, and even times when it seems like it wants to be taken as a pure horror film!

While this got A LOT of mixed reviews, I always felt it had a lot going for it. Maybe I'm just biased toward bizarre and surreal films but I really would recommend this movie if you haven't seen it already.

It Follows

Oh boy. If you haven't seen this one yet, because you should have, you're really missing out. I honestly think a lot of people didn't see this one simply for the fact that people said that it was about a "Sexually Transmitted Demon," a.k.a. STD, but I'll have you know they never once call it a demon in the film, and calling it that kind of ruins the fun if you ask me: it's simply It.

Sure, it was a movie about a monster that you pass on to the last person you had sex with, but why does that automatically make it a demon? Is it the whole Succubus/Incubus thing?

Trick r' Treat

I have only just recently seen this movie for the first time and I have to say that it's one of the best anthology movies I've ever seen; I would go as far as saying this movie blew V/H/S/2 right out of the graveyard. One of the reasons this Horror Anthology stands out among others such as The Twilight Zone and even the V/H/S franchise is because all four of these stories take place in one town, at the same time, and all tie together in a very nice way. Plus it has Sam.

This movie has does have it's fair share of cliches thrown in but it uses them well and clearly is using them to it's advantages. It does hold up far better than most movies that take place during Halloween, even including the movie Halloween (what ever, I feel like it's a pretty boring movie and it's over hyped, I liked the 3rd film far better).

Return of the Living Dead

As someone who really isn't into zombies that much, it's a pretty big statement for me to say that this is one of my favorite movies. If you wanna know why I don't like zombies, just go read this article on because I feel the same exact way and couldn't put it better myself.

Return is just one of those movies that's impossible not to love. Not only does it have one of the most memorable zombies ever put into film, it's also the ORIGINS of brain eating zombies!

The Hidden

Who likes alien movies from the 1980's? I know I sure do. The Hidden though, truly does live up to it's name as it seems to be hidden from the B-Movie fandom for some strange reason. This movie is criminally unknown and deserves so much more praise!

The movie follows an FBI agent named Lloyd Gallagher (played by Kyle McLaughlin) who's pursuing a dangerous killer who just so happens to be a parasitic space slug who loves 1980's heavy music and fast cars. I can tell you're just scrambling to see this undiscovered gem right after you read that. It is available for rental on Xfinity for only$ 3.99 and it's completely worth it for that cheap!

That raps up part 1! Next time we go over another 5 movies!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

My Favorite "Caught on Tape" Videos part 1

Even though it takes a lot for a "CAUGHT ON TAPE" video to convince me, I still really love to watch those videos and everything they have to offer. It's also a topic I've been meaning to discuss for a while now. And while I'm not a true skeptic,  I do NOT believe in demons, angels, possession, or any other religious mumbo jumbo (no offence).  While I don't believe in these things, I'm willing to hear your opinions and am willing to think that MAYBE there is some truth in these things. And even though I don't believe in them, we're still gonna talk about them.

Okay. The first one we're looking at here is about demons (supposedly) and I'm not going to mention the fact that I don't believe in them anymore because I'm just gonna end up getting into an argument that I don't want be part of.  This video is obviously VERY fake. But it's a great one regardless. The minute I saw the arms I was in love with the video, but the end of the video,  just... just damn.

I've seen this video about 10 times, and I am still not entirely sure what the fuck is going on. The description gives no clues and the video has no English subtitles and is in Japanese. The title of he video is simply "JAPANESE GHOST CAUGHT ON TAPE" which also gives no further clues. The ghost in the video is very reminiscent of Traditional Japanese Ghost from stories of old and is amazingly designed. This video is also very likely fake, and even as a believer of Ghosts, I seriously have my doubts about this one.

One of the few videos on the list that I think could actually be real. Sasquatch is a creature most people think is most defiantly fake, and while for the most part I feel the same way, there are a few videos that convince me enough to think that it could be real. This is an especially interesting video, even if it isn't real, because it shows an Albino Sasquatch, something we never really get to see.  I don't really know what it is about this video that convinces me, it just seems real to me.

While Slender Man is an entity whose existence I completely deny, a Slender Man video is always something good.  This is a very short video, but offers up a lot of good Slenderness. And before you even go in the comments telling Slender Man is real because you have seen him or know someone who has seen him, you're wrong. And even if you did really see something, it wasn't Slender Man, you saw something that mistook for Slender Man. Slender Man is the brain child of Victor Surge, nothing more, nothing less.

The only reason this video is even being included is because it real. No doubt about it. Now, whether that real thing is paranormal, a Cryptid, or anything of the like is unknown, but there is most defiantly something behind that tree.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Homunculus Nightmare!!!

Homunculus Nightmare is a new printable game created by! I'm not going to get into the game play, but I AM going to talk about the beautiful creature designs! Each creature more beautiful than the last.


Probably my favorite of all the different creatures in this game so far. The strangely bird-like anatomy is awesome, even though it is obviously not bird-like at all. And even the "Beak" isn't even a beak, it's two antenna! How adorable is that? And the little worm-like body is just gorgeous.


o_o... He's like some kind of meat-carrot voodoo doll. I can't think of anything much cuter than that. I love that he looks like he's been walking around in Ink. I've also forgot to mention that each monster has a fear that goes into the game play. This one's fear is to sit on a clowns lap. When this thing is frightened I image he probably just shakes uncontrollably and lets out a whining whimper that's muffled by his nearly closed lips.


I'm glad he when with "EYES CREAM" instead of "EYE SCREAM", which would just sound corny and stereotypical. Eyes Cream is probably my least favorite of the bunch, but still has enough Bogleechyness to remain memorable.


I'm not even sure what's going on here. The fact that it licks  YOUR eyeballs while YOU sleep makes me wonder if those are even its own eyes. Are those someone else's eyes that it just licked out from someone's skull? Or are those eye balls just always there and somehow bound by tongue flesh?

Also... those saggy blue boobs make me very uncomfortable.


While most would probably see this as the most boring of all the Homuncluses, it's like my second to favorite. The simplicity of it is great, but the addition of the melty eyes is just great. I also like the coloration of the eyes, most of the time you'd see it either filled with more red or black, but the white really just adds to the creep factor to me.


And our final Homunculus. It's one of the best, and the fact that it causes constipation is just adorable. The over all design kind of just screams ear to me for some reason. But it's really like some kind of sewage tube with arms and warts... ADORABLE!!! The name Cloglodyte implies caves, but most likely  lives inside a sewer/ toilet drain rather than a cave. 

The Homunculus Nightmare game has some very inventive designs up in it. And even more are to come! So if more come out before Halloween, I'll defiantly be reviewing them too, I mean I'll review them regardless, but it will be more special if I do it before Halloween.